June 28, 2024 05:18:19 booked.net

Research Shows Music Taste reflects Individuals’ Moral Values

In a recent study conducted by researchers from Queen Mary University of London and the ISI Foundation in Italy, the connection between individuals’ favorite songs and their moral values was explored. Analyzing 1,480 participants, the study delved into how musical preferences can offer insights into moral worldviews.

Previous research had established correlations between music and empathy or personality traits, but this study went further to categorize moral values into two main groups: “individualizing,” associated with liberal views, and “binding,” linked to a more conservative outlook.

Examining the lyrics and audio elements of participants’ favorite songs, researchers compared these musical choices with self-reported moral scores. The findings revealed that individuals with binding values preferred upbeat, rhythmic songs featuring themes of love, purity, and victory, often favoring Christian and country music.

The study interpreted this preference as understandable, considering that individuals with binding values tend to engage in group activities such as sports, religious events, and political gatherings, where music is used to convey messages of power, unity, and victory.

Conversely, it proved more challenging for researchers to identify a clear pattern for individuals with individualizing values. However, they observed a tendency for these individuals to appreciate smooth, low-intensity music that explores themes of care and trust.