June 28, 2024 05:35:54 booked.net

Pro-Palestine Supporters Disrupt Christmas in NYC, Clash with NYPD

On Christmas night in New York City, pro-Palestine protesters created chaos, leading to clashes with the NYPD and six arrests. The demonstration, marked by slogans like ‘Christmas is canceled here,’ unfolded with over 500 protesters storming the streets in what some perceived as a ‘war on Christmas.’

Chants of ‘Long Live Intifada’ echoed around the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree, where revelers were enjoying the holiday. Protesters took their grievances further by throwing fake blood on nativity scenes, symbolizing the birth of Jesus.

Signs with messages like ‘While You’re Shopping, Bombs Are Dropping’ and ‘No Joy in Genocide’ were displayed, with the latter placed on a faux Nativity scene adorned with what appeared to be fake blood. The protest, initially marked by sloganeering and disruption, escalated into violence later in the night.

Scuffles erupted outside St. Patrick’s Cathedral, prompting police intervention. The NYPD confirmed a move to ‘Level Three’ police mobilization in response to the protests. At least six individuals were arrested—four for disorderly conduct, one for menacing, and one for graffiti. Incidents near Grand Central Station and Union Square saw clashes between protesters and law enforcement.

In a symbolic act, protesters left stickers with messages like “Zionism is terrorism,” “Free Palestine,” and distributed flyers stating “Murdered by Israel” at the Union Square Holiday Market. Graffiti messages such as “From NY to Gaza, Globalize the Intifada,” “Netanyahu is a warmonger,” and “Israel kills babies” adorned public spaces, reflecting the intensity of the demonstration.