June 28, 2024 05:31:52 booked.net

Safety Concerns of for Menstrual Cramps Addressed by Medical Professionals

If you’re someone who relies on Meftal spas for menstrual cramps or headaches, it’s essential to pay attention to recent advice from medical experts.

The Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) has issued a drug safety alert for mefenamic acid, urging consumers and healthcare professionals to exercise increased caution regarding potential adverse drug reactions (ADRs) associated with Meftal Spas medication. This medication is commonly prescribed for conditions like menstrual cramps and rheumatoid arthritis and has been linked to eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) syndrome.

While painkillers are generally safe when used as needed, all medications can have side effects, albeit rarely. Pills containing mefenamic acid are often prescribed for menstrual pain, but it’s crucial to be aware that they can lead to DRESS syndrome in 1 in 10,000 exposures, according to experts in obstetrics, gynecology, and laparoscopics.

DRESS syndrome is a distinctive and serious reaction that some individuals experience in response to specific medications. It manifests after some time and presents symptoms like fever, skin rash, swollen lymph nodes, and increased eosinophils—a type of white blood cell. Moreover, it can affect other parts of the body, ranging from mild to severe. Hence, consulting with a doctor before taking pills for period pain is imperative.

What are the alternatives?

Home remedies, including the incorporation of certain foods like ginger, cinnamon, lemon, and dark chocolate, can be effective in relieving period pain. According to a 2018 study involving university students, adopting a vegetarian diet and increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables were associated with reduced cramps and menstrual pain.

Additionally, using a hot water bag, engaging in regular exercise, and staying adequately hydrated can aid in alleviating period cramps. It’s advisable to steer clear of certain substances, including caffeine, carbonated beverages, alcohol, excessively salty and spicy foods, as well as overly oily foods.

Meanwhile, experts in obstetrics and gynecology stress the importance of moving away from symptomatic solutions like taking pills and adopting healthier coping mechanisms.

One medical expert expresses concern about the increasing dependence on painkillers among women to manage period pain and headaches. While these medications offer temporary relief, they may not address the underlying causes and can pose health risks with prolonged use.

Women are encouraged to shift towards a holistic approach to health, recognizing the unique challenges they face. Advocating for a move away from symptomatic solutions and embracing healthier coping mechanisms is essential.

Chronic reliance on painkillers may mask underlying issues related to hormonal imbalances, stress, or lifestyle factors. Addressing these root causes through self-care practices, stress management techniques, and mindful approaches is crucial for sustainable well-being. Instead of seeking quick fixes, women should prioritize self-care, which encompasses a healthy diet, regular exercise, mindfulness, relaxation techniques, and sufficient sleep.

Obstetrics & Gynaecology underscores the importance of using painkillers only after consulting a doctor, as overuse can lead to serious side effects and complications such as allergies, gastritis, DRESS syndrome, liver and kidney damage, etc.

Pain during periods (dysmenorrhea) and headaches are common reasons for school or work absenteeism among young girls and women. Painkillers are frequently used for immediate relief, but it is crucial to understand the root cause and seek proper treatment rather than resorting to over-the-counter medication.

Consulting with a doctor and evaluating the cause are crucial steps, and treatment options may vary from lifestyle changes to painkillers, hormonal tablets, and injections. Headaches can result from various causes, including stress, migraines, vision issues, premenstrual symptoms, sinusitis, and other medical conditions, emphasizing the need for a thorough evaluation by a doctor before taking painkillers.