June 28, 2024 05:55:06 booked.net

Hindu Temple in US Vandalized with Pro-Khalistani Graffiti, Including Jarnail Singh’s Name

A Hindu temple in Newark, California, was targeted with anti-India and pro-Khalistani graffiti, as shared by the Hindu American Foundation on X (formerly Twitter). The Swaminarayan Mandir Vasana Sanstha’s exterior walls displayed hateful slogans against India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and featured the name of slain Khalistani terrorist Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale.

The Hindu American Foundation emphasized the traumatic impact of including Bhindranwale’s name, stating it is intended to create fear and trauma, meeting the California definition of a hate crime. The foundation called on the Newark police to investigate the incident as such, asserting that defacing the temple with pro-Khalistan slogans is a serious matter.

In response to the incident, Newark police have committed to conducting a thorough investigation. The Hindu American Foundation informed both the Newark police and Civil Rights authorities about the defacement, urging a comprehensive inquiry.

The occurrence is part of a concerning trend, with hate crimes targeting religious institutions and communities on the rise in the US and Canada. Previously, in August, activists from the banned Sikhs for Justice (SFJ) defaced over five metro stations in Delhi with pro-Khalistan slogans ahead of the G20 Summit. The incident prompted arrests in September and subsequent detentions in the following months.