June 28, 2024 05:46:49 booked.net

World Thrift Day 2023: Date, Origin, and Importance

World Thrift Day 2023: Amid the festive season, the importance of saving money should not be overlooked. Savings serve as a financial safety net, offering security and freedom, especially during challenging times. Life can throw unexpected difficulties our way, and being financially prepared is essential. While enjoying life and creating lasting memories, it’s equally vital to prioritize saving money whenever possible. World Thrift Day aims to underscore the significance of saving and how it can act as a cushion during tough times. This observance raises awareness about the value of thriftiness and the role it plays in financial well-being.

As we approach World Thrift Day, here are some key points to consider


World Thrift Day traces its roots back to 1934 when Filipo Ravizza, an Italian professor, proposed the concept during the inaugural International Savings Bank Congress. The day and the awareness it fostered gained increasing prominence and understanding between 1955 and 1970. This growth in recognition was influenced by the world’s collective experiences during two World Wars, prompting individuals to become more conscious of their financial security and the importance of saving.


Savings act as a lifeline during financial crises. Whether it’s starting a new business, providing quality education for family members, or accessing essential healthcare services, savings play a pivotal role. Understanding the value of saving from a young age is crucial for achieving financial independence and freedom. Savings not only contribute to emotional and social stability but also afford a decent lifestyle. They help in avoiding the burden of loans, reducing stress and anxiety. Banks and nonprofit organizations play significant roles in educating people about diverse savings strategies and financial literacy.