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Weight Loss Diet Plan That You Can Follow In Your Daily Life To Get A Toned Body!

Are you also looking for the best Indian diet plan for weight loss? So let’s know some easy ways by which you can lose weight.

Losing weight is not as difficult as it sounds. By following some simple and easy rules, you can easily lose weight. All you have to do is make sure that you choose and consume the right foods. However, given our food culture and dietary habits, this may seem like an insurmountable challenge for us Indians. Let’s try to understand it with some examples.

Reason For The Weight Gain

A typical Indian diet tends to have a high intake of carbohydrates and natural sugars due to the abundance of potatoes, rice, and sweets. Along with this, we are also very fond of our snacks, and cannot live a day without our favorite Namkeen or Bhujia. Because of our hospitality and hospitality, we encourage our friends and relatives to try it all. It is a token of our warmth to serve them by saying ‘hey a little more a little more’ if they feel like it. Not only this, but above all, we do not give much importance to physical exercise. With all these habits, it is no surprise that a large proportion of India’s population is grappling with the growing problem of obesity.

While today many Indians are looking for a solution to the rising obesity, there is also a general belief that we should give up the Indian diet, consume foreign ingredients or follow a fad diet. Fad diets, which many people also know by the name of fad diets, are called some such diets (dietary rules) in which you have to sacrifice many important foods, following very strict rules. However, this is not a proper solution.

Understand The Scientific Reason Behind Weight Loss

Your body’s weight gain and function revolve around your total calorie intake and expenditure. If it is said in simple language, if you spend more calories than your total calorie consumption, then you can lose weight, whereas if you consume more calories than your total calorie consumption, then you can gain weight. So if you

So the most important rule to lose weight is to keep your calorie intake within your overall target (calorie budget) and burn a required number of calories. According to experts, balancing this mix of calorie intake and expenditure can help you lose weight the most.

Diet Plan For Weight Loss

No single food or single food item provides all the calories and nutrients the body needs to stay healthy. That is why a balanced diet should contain balanced amounts of macronutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats and micronutrients like vitamins and minerals.

The best Indian diet for weight loss mainly consists of a mixture of 5 food groups:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Cereals and pulses
  • Meat
  • Dairy (milk products)
  • Fats and Oils

Apart from this, it is also important to know how to divide the food groups in a balanced diet, portion sizes and the best/ideal time to eat are equally important.

1200-Calorie Diet Plan

A lot can be said and written about what an ideal diet chart should contain. However, the nutritional requirement of every human being varies depending on various factors. It may also be different for men and women. Geographical factors can also make them different. For example, North Indian diets differ from South Indian diets to a great extent. In addition, food preferences are also a factor as the diets of those who prefer vegetarian or vegan diets differ to a great extent from those who consume non-vegetarian diets.

For your convenience and assistance, we have prepared an ideal diet plan for weight loss keeping in mind Indian food. This 7-day diet plan, also known as the 1200-calorie diet plan, is just one example, and should not be followed by anyone without the advice of a nutritionist.