June 28, 2024 05:17:37 booked.net

Tim Cook Stresses Diversity and Creativity Over Coding Proficiency in Apple’s Hiring Approach

Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, recently underscored the company’s commitment to diversity and creativity in its hiring practices, highlighting that a college degree or coding expertise is not a mandatory requirement.

In a conversation with singer Dua Lipa, Cook discussed the key character traits that Apple’s HR managers prioritize in candidates during the interview process. The CEO emphasized the importance of fostering a ‘collaborative’ spirit, identifying it as one of the core qualities sought in individuals vying for positions at Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino, California.

“Are employees genuinely collaborative? Do they embrace the idea that the combined efforts of individuals lead to greater collective success?” queried the Apple CEO.

Cook further elaborated on his philosophy of ‘one plus one equals three,’ stating, “Experiencing collaboration with individuals who inspire and bring out our best is truly remarkable. Essentially, we share the belief that the combination of your idea and my idea surpasses the merit of each idea in isolation.”

Addressing inquiries from Dua Lipa about prerequisites for working at Apple, such as the need for a degree or exceptional coding skills, Cook emphasized the company’s inclusive approach to hiring.

“We consider individuals from all walks of life, regardless of whether they possess a college degree or coding expertise. While coding is valuable, we’ve hired individuals who lack expertise or do not regularly use it in their daily work,” added Cook.

At Apple, qualities such as curiosity, creativity, and the ability to work effectively in a team are highly valued in potential candidates, according to Cook.

In related news, Apple has announced its support for RCS (Rich Communication Services messages) on iPhones. This move comes in response to Google’s request for Apple’s support of RCS messages, considered the successor to SMS.

Apple stated that it will be adding support for RCS Universal Profile later next year, following the standard set by the GSM Association. The company believes that RCS Universal Profile will offer a superior interoperability experience compared to SMS or MMS. Apple reassured users that iMessage will continue to provide the best and most secure messaging experience for Apple users.