June 28, 2024 05:30:16 booked.net

Sam Altman Opens Up About Ouster and Return as OpenAI CEO, Expresses Hurt and Anger

Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, recently shared insights into his dismissal and subsequent reinstatement at the Microsoft-backed artificial intelligence firm. Following a period of internal upheaval, Altman returned to the CEO position on November 30 after being fired on November 17.

In an interview with The Verge, Altman disclosed that he initially grappled with emotions and ego when considering the offer to resume his role as CEO. Despite feeling “hurt and angry,” he eventually chose to accept the position due to his deep connection to the company and its mission of advancing safe and beneficial artificial general intelligence (AGI).

Altman acknowledged the significant progress made by OpenAI during his tenure, emphasizing his commitment to the organization’s mission. However, when probed about the specifics of his dismissal in November, Altman refrained from providing internal details and expressed his support for the ongoing independent investigation led by OpenAI’s Bret Taylor.

Discussing the circumstances around his return, Altman recounted the initial call from board members, describing his initial reaction as one of defiance. He shared, “It was like, Man, I’m hurt and angry, and I think this stinks.” Despite these emotions, Altman ultimately chose to accept the opportunity to lead OpenAI once again.

Altman’s removal on November 17 came amidst reported differences with top management over his stance on AI security, with the board citing concerns about his lack of complete candor. Subsequent to his ousting, OpenAI witnessed a wave of resignations, including four senior executives, causing a significant disruption within the organization.

Following Altman’s departure, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella announced Altman’s recruitment to lead an AI research program at Microsoft. However, this move faced resistance from OpenAI employees who threatened to resign if Altman was reinstated as the CEO.

Despite resistance, Altman’s return was confirmed, accompanied by changes in the board composition, with Bret Taylor, Larry Summers, and Adam D’Angelo joining as new members. Altman’s journey from dismissal to reinstatement reflects the complex dynamics within the organization and the challenges faced by leaders in the evolving landscape of AI development.