June 28, 2024 05:31:15 booked.net

Protecting Your Pets in the Face of Delhi’s Worsening Air Quality

As the air quality in Delhi NCR and its neighboring regions continues to deteriorate, it is essential to safeguard your pets’ well-being amid severe air pollution. Toxic air not only affects human health but also poses risks to your animal companions, impacting their lungs, brain, and skin. When the Air Quality Index (AQI) exceeds 300, it becomes imperative to keep your pets indoors, as venturing outdoors during high pollution levels can expose them to respiratory and other health problems. Additionally, pollutants can enter your home in the form of dirt and dust, making it crucial to thoroughly clean your living space to shield your furry friends from hazardous air pollutants.

Dr. Kunal Dev Sharma, Co-Chief Commercial Officer and Co-Chief Financial Officer at MaxPetZ, emphasizes the significance of caring for your beloved pets in times of smog and pollution, stating, “If you think air pollution is bad only for us, you are sadly mistaken. It affects animals too, and in more ways than one. Severe air pollution can not only cause damage to a dog/cat’s respiratory system but also give rise to neurological problems and skin irritations, which are very common when air pollution becomes high.”

Here are five crucial tips to ensure your pets’ safety amid pollution:

  1. Monitor the AQI Level
    Pay close attention to the Air Quality Index, particularly during the early winter months when air quality tends to deteriorate in urban areas. If the air quality is categorized as ‘bad’ or ‘severe,’ avoid taking your pet for a walk outside. Instead, engage them in indoor activities and play. If you reside near a highway, refrain from walking your pet post-peak traffic hours.
  2. Seal Doors and Windows
    Create a barrier against poor-quality air by keeping your home’s doors and windows closed. Consider using an air purifier when pollution levels are high. Indoor plants that release oxygen can also help mitigate the adverse effects of air pollution.
  1. Frequent Vacuuming
    Regularly vacuum your home, particularly during times of extreme air pollution. Opt for a vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA filter capable of trapping small particles, ensuring cleaner indoor air and easier breathing for your pet.
  2. Change HVAC Air Filters
    Ensure that you change your HVAC air filter regularly, ideally every three months. For 4-5 inch filters, replace them annually (every 12 months). These filters can help keep outdoor pollution at bay, ensuring a safe environment for your pets.
  3. Avoid Pesticides
    If you have a garden or numerous plants indoors, refrain from using pesticides, especially during the winter months when air pollution levels are elevated, especially in urban areas. A recent medical survey revealed that dogs exposed to air pollution have a 70% higher likelihood of developing lymphoma.

Dr. Sharma underscores the importance of spending quality time with your dogs, monitoring their breathing, and keeping them well-hydrated. In case of any signs or symptoms of heavy breathing, seek prompt veterinary care. While it’s challenging to escape pollution entirely, following the steps mentioned above can help reduce air pollution’s impact and keep your pets healthy.