June 28, 2024 05:21:33 booked.net

Prince Harry Takes Legal Action Over Security Concerns in the UK

Prince Harry has initiated legal proceedings against the British government at the High Court in London, expressing concerns about the safety of himself and his family during visits to the UK without adequate security. The legal action follows the removal of his UK taxpayer-funded protection.

Since stepping back from his role as a full-time working member of the royal family in 2020 and relocating to California with his wife Meghan, Prince Harry has emphasized the importance of security for his family during visits to the UK.

During the ongoing court proceedings, which are closed to the media and public for security reasons, Prince Harry’s lawyer, Shaheed Fatima, conveyed his written statement to the court. In the statement, Prince Harry expressed sadness at being compelled to step back from his royal duties and leave the country in 2020. He highlighted the UK as his home, central to his children’s heritage, and a place where he wants them to feel safe. Prince Harry asserted that maintaining their safety on UK soil is crucial, emphasizing his reluctance to expose his wife to danger or unnecessarily put himself in harm’s way.

Prince Harry’s legal team argues that the decision to alter his security arrangements occurred after he left the UK, deeming it “unlawful and unfair” given his royal status and the tragic death of his mother, Princess Diana, in 1997. Princess Diana died in a car crash in Paris while attempting to evade paparazzi photographers.

The government’s legal representatives deny allegations of singling out Prince Harry or treating him less favorably, asserting that a proper risk analysis was conducted. The judgment for the first of five cases involving Prince Harry at the High Court will be delivered at a later date.