June 28, 2024 05:38:46 booked.net

Indian rock group says Divorce is not an option for us: Agnee

Mohan Kannan and Kaustubh Dhavale, alias Koco, of the Indian rock group Agnee, discuss their experiences working in the music business.

To commemorate their musical journey over the years, the Indian rock band Agnee, which consists of Mohan Kannan and Kaustubh Dhavale nicknamed Koco, plans to reissue their complete back catalogue. And they acknowledge that it was difficult to be an independent band for so long.

“We’re getting ready to re-release every song from 2008 and earlier from our complete back catalogue. These songs, which document our history in the music business, will be made formally available on digital platforms, Kannan informs us, adding that they are eager to see how people respond to it.

“When we first started as a band, we had the typical enthusiasm and dreams that most bands share,” Koco recalls of their journey. We were able to better grasp each other’s characters because we weren’t really young—I was 36 and Mohan was a few years younger. Divorce is not an option, which is a fundamental belief I’ve always upheld. I see our band as a lifelong commitment, a committed union.

When individuals spend a lot of time together, disagreements are inevitable, but our primary goal has always been to establish a brand that would endure for at least 25 or 30 years. We’ve learnt to set aside human emotions and even heated disputes for the benefit of the band, despite the fact that these things occasionally happen. We are both aware that the band’s reputation and name are more important than our own egos. Additionally, I’ve learnt not to force my views on other people. Everyone has the right to their own opinion, and not all claims must be supported by evidence. We respect one another’s personalities because we are confident in the goodness of our motives.

We all want to have a good time, whether it’s at rehearsals, on the road, or on stage. Our 90–2 hour long performances always seem like parties. I think this is the reason Agnee has endured the test of time,” he continued.

The band’s popularity grew over time because to songs like Aahatein, Sadaa, Kaise Ho Tum, Sadho Re, and Shaam Tanha. The band from Pune was established in 2007.

Kannan is pleased that they managed to stay together in an era where band breakups are quite prevalent.

“We have never been able to be apart. We choose to be friends, so that’s how close we are. Our personalities and respect for one another have kept us together since we first met through music. We are both extremely independent and not prone to giving in quickly, but we manage to do so for each other. He continues, “He sometimes gives in, and sometimes I do. “Most of the time, I think it’s because he handles things in a clever way. He is incredibly talented at motivating others by utilising praise. He has a great capacity to show his belief in someone’s abilities while simultaneously convincing them of their worth. Once he does that, you are forced to try to live up to his standards because you don’t want to disappoint him. When he does that, you can’t help but try to live up to his standards because you don’t want to let him down. One of the most lovely ways to realise someone’s full potential is through this. He’s used it on me countless times, and it always works. He actually means it; I don’t even think he does it on purpose. It’s uncommon and laudable to find someone with that quality.