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How Might You Sharpen Your Intuition? Additionally, connect with your inner wisdom

How Might You Sharpen Your Intuition? Additionally, connect with your inner wisdom

Having a keener awareness of other people’s feelings and sensitivity to the energy they give out might be characterised as intuition. You can quickly tell the difference between good and bad energy, for instance, and you can also pick up energy from individuals around you. It’s possible to feel draining and downright miserable while among poisonous people. On the other hand, being around or in a pleasant environment might make you feel better. These characteristics are frequently linked to those who have keen intuition.

People that are very intuitive may also have additional traits aside from their heightened energy sensitivity. They might regularly have déjà vu, the feeling that they have seen or heard about a current event before. They could also have a tendency to overthink things and occasionally have vivid nightmares that predict the future. Being very perceptive is further supported by these qualities.

Now, how can these people improve their intuitive capacities?  The following advice is provided by The Hope Tarot founder and Tarot card reader Sneha Jain to enhance intuition:


They are able to practise many forms of meditation, such as the Seven Chakra Meditation. This helps to balance and align the chakras by concentrating on each of the body’s seven energy centres. They can also investigate Crown Chakra Meditation to access greater consciousness and spiritual connection, enhancing their intuitive power.

Keep a journal of their intuitive encounters.

People should concentrate on recalling their dreams and paying attention to their intuitive thoughts if they wish to strengthen their intuition and emphasise how important it is. They can build a connection between their ideas and later occurrences by deliberately noting what they are thinking.

For instance, if they have a concept about what they believe will happen next, they should watch to see if their intuition was correct. Even if they initially just have a rudimentary level of intuition, it will develop as they become more conscious of it and accept its existence.


Keeping a journal is a further powerful way to increase intuition. People establish a space for self-reflection and introspection by putting down their thoughts, experiences, and intuitive insights. Clarity can be attained and the link to intuition can be strengthened via the use of a powerful journaling tool.

Employing Crystals

Utilising crystals can further improve intuition in addition to the aforementioned techniques. Amethyst is one such crystal. Wearing an amethyst as a pendant or a ring on the middle finger can help people increase their intuitive talents.

The crystal serves as an energetic amplifier, enhancing the strength and clarity of the intuitive messages. You can improve your intuitive skills and establish a stronger connection with your inner knowledge by adopting these practises into your daily life.