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Can being overweight cause hair loss? Let’s hear from an authority

Can being overweight cause hair loss? Let's hear from an authority

You run the risk of having a number of health problems, including hair loss, if you are overweight. Examine the connection between obesity and hair loss, as well as management advice.

Numerous negative consequences on general health might result from being overweight or even obese. According to the World Heart Federation (WHF), approximately 2.3 billion children and adults are thought to be overweight or obese worldwide. As a result, it is accurate to describe obesity as an epidemic that, if unchecked, might have devastating effects. Did you know that there is a direct correlation between fat and hair loss?

Dr. Monica Chahar, Chief Dermatologist and Director of Skin Decor, Dwarka, Delhi, spoke with Health Shots and shared that obese and overweight women are more likely to encounter hair health issues, such as hair loss. Continue reading to learn how obesity and hair loss are related.

Can being overweight cause hair loss?

Obesity is commonly understood to raise the risk of various diseases. Diabetes, heart disease, and other health issues are more common in obese persons. The precise mechanism by which organs in the body degrade and lose functionality is unknown in chronic obesity.

Using mouse model experiments, researchers from Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) have recently examined the impact of genetically produced obesity and a high-fat diet on hair thinning and loss. The study’s findings suggest that obesity may contribute to hair follicle loss by triggering specific inflammatory signals that decrease hair follicle stem cells (HFSCs), obstruct hair follicle regeneration, and eventually lead to hair follicle loss.


A professional’s opinion on the connection between fat and hair loss

Obesity can affect the health of your hair and cause issues. In particular, an increase in the production of androgens like dihydrotestosterone (DHT) might result from excess belly fat, according to Dr. Chahar. DHT levels that are too high might cause hair follicles to contract, eventually resulting in hair loss.

She goes on to say that insulin resistance, which can lead to polycystic ovary syndrome, one of the most prevalent reproductive problems in young women, develops in fat or overweight women. Furthermore, because PCOS is associated with higher than normal testosterone levels, which have an effect on hair growth, the condition may contribute to hair loss.

How can hair loss be stopped?

Here are the top 5 recommendations for preventing hair loss:

1. Keep a healthy, balanced diet:

A good diet is essential for good hair health. Choose foods that are high in nutrients, such as fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains. Include foods high in vitamins A, C, and E, biotin, protein, zinc, and iron to help your body produce more hair and maintain the health of your follicles.

2. Control your stress:

Prolonged tension might make hair loss worse. Make sure you arrange time each day to practise stress-relieving activities like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing.

3. Shed pounds:

If your hair loss issue is brought on by your weight, you must shed pounds to treat it. Regular exercise helps to control weight and promotes blood circulation, which is important for supplying nutrients to the hair follicles. Regular exercise for at least 30 minutes will make an impact.

Steer clear of sever hair care techniques:

Excessive heat styling, constricted hairstyles, and harsh chemical treatments can weaken the hair shaft and cause hair loss. Therefore, avoid making these errors.

5. Regular head massages  

One of the best ways to prevent hair loss because they have been proved to improve blood circulation. Along with encouraging hair development, it keeps your hair healthy and aids in coping with stress, which is a big contributor to hair loss.