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7 revolutionary Japanese ideas that will change your life

Here are some Japanese ideas that could significantly alter your life.

In order to achieve balance and harmony in life, the Japanese have a variety of beliefs and customs. Here are a couple.

  • Ma: In Japanese, the word “ma” refers to the area between objects. It can be the physical distance between things, the pause in music, or the pause between sentences in a dialogue. Ma is about appreciating the beauty of emptiness and simplicity, as well as finding balance and harmony in the spaces between things.
  • Ikigai: The Japanese concept of ikigai refers to discovering one’s life’s purpose. It is a mashup of the words “iki,” which means life, and “gai,” which means value or worth. Learn what you love, what you’re good at, what the world needs, and what you can get paid for to find your ikigai. You can live a happy and meaningful life once you identify your ikigai.
  • Kintsugi: Repairing broken pottery with gold or silver lacquer is known as kintsugi. The idea behind kintsugi is that even when something is broken, it can still be valuable and beautiful. It serves as a metaphor for life, showing us how our flaws and scars can actually be sources of power and beauty.
  • Shinrin-yoku: Shinrin-yoku is the term used to describe the Japanese art of “forest bathing.” It entails immersing oneself in the outdoors and savouring the forest’s sights, sounds, and aromas. Spending time in nature has been shown to have positive effects on the immune system, mood, and stress levels.
  • Omotenashi: The Japanese idea of hospitality is called omotenashi. It is the concept of going above and beyond to meet the needs of others. Omotenashi is the Japanese concept of treating visitors with respect and humility while making them feel at home.
  • Kaizen: The Japanese philosophy of continuous improvement is known as kaizen. It is the notion that over time, small, gradual adjustments can result in significant advancements. Although kaizen is frequently used in business and manufacturing settings, it can also be used for personal development.
  • Wabi-sabi: Wabi-sabi is a Japanese aesthetic principle that honours the beauty of authenticity, impermanence, and imperfection. It is the art of appreciating the beauty in naturally occurring, incomplete, and imperfect things. Wabi-sabi inspires us to embrace the natural cycle of growth and decay and to appreciate the small things in life.